Brad enjoying his lunch along the Burgundy canal last year
The most memorable lines aren’t always uttered by honored politicians or literary giants. Sometimes it’s the small moments that stick with us and make us feel the world is a good place.
#5 – “It doesn’t do you justice”
This spring I was flying out of the Atlanta airport. As I went through the security line I handed the agent my driver’s license. She looked at it a little longer than I thought was necessary, then she looked at me, then looked back at the license. She returned it with that memorable line. And she made the day of this often-frazzled 50+ female.
#4 – “You don’t know me, and you might think this is strange, but would you maybe like to go out for a drink with me sometime?”
This line is not so unusual, but when you’ve been married about 20 years and have two kids, and you’re out walking your dog in the neighborhood, and someone you’ve never seen before pulls his car up to the sidewalk next to you and rolls down his window to ask this question, well, it sorta sticks with you. So right now I’m working furiously at my diet to get back down to the weight I was when these kinds of things last happened to me.
#3 – “Sure, sweetheart”
Omaha. July 28, 2007. Backstage with Keith Urban. There is a very large sorority of Urbanites who know what a rare treasure it is to have those blue eyes look at you and to have him smile and direct a “sweetheart” toward you in that soft Australian lilt with just a hint of a lisp. I got mine at the end of our meeting when I asked if I could give him a hug because his music means so much to me. Of course, I’m forever jealous of my friends who’ve had longer conversations or more than one meeting so they’ve gotten multiples of his famous “sweethearts.” One will have to do for me. And yes, it’s true (as anyone who’s ever been within three feet of him can attest) – he smells sooooo good.
#2 – “I’ll do that, Mom”
This is for any time that one of my children has voluntarily stepped in to do something without me asking. No need to elaborate further.
#1 – “I do”
Said by my husband of 25 years on May 18, 1985. Happy Anniversary, Brad!!! And here’s hoping for 25 more. I love you.
As for you my readers, what memorable lines have you had directed toward you over the years? Share them in the comment box.