Saturday, May 5, 2012

Stop The Presses!


Stop the Presses!  Sometime actress, full-time celebrity and Twitter-based underwear fashion model has just changed her Twitter handle.  Read all about it here.

Now can someone tell me why we should care?  No, really, I mean it.  Why should we care?  Why was this a featured news story on some broadcasts and all over the online media?

What celebrities do you follow?  One of my favorites is Andy Borowitz.  Not a celebrity on the level of @justdemi because he’s a writer and political humorist, but crazy funny some days.  Read his tweets here.


Personally, I’m lucky to have some Khardashian family-based twitterer following little ol’ me.  Within five minutes of posting to Twitter a blog I wrote with their name in the title, I got a follow.  I’m sure the whole family is still trying to finish reading it, bless their soul.  When they get to the end, one of them may request someone on their publicity team unfollow me promptly.

Use the comments box to confess your secret “follow” vices.  Who would you be embarrassed to say you’re following?  What well-known person do you think the rest of us should be following?


Lee I said...

I don't even tweet. No data plan on my phone. I'm a big screen kind of girl. The one person I know who tweets puts them on facebook, so I find her comments there.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I'm a very new member of Twitter. I don't follow any celebrities, per se, but I do follow Steve Inskeep, Scott Simon and Liane Hansen on NPR.

Sara Walpert Foster said...

Your Kardashian comment had me in hysterics. Celebrity stuff is such a bore, but having said that I pick up those magazines and read them while waiting in line at the grocery store. Only celebs that I follow are Steve Martin and Albert Brooks, two actor/comedians who both are very playful with Twitter, which I enjoy.

Julie Farrar said...

I do Steve Martin (have you seen his Twitter book?). I'll have to find Albert Brooks.

Liv Rancourt said...

I follow Severus Snape. It's been a while since I've seen one of his posts, but he makes me laugh.

Muriel said...

I am having some sort of a twitter break. It is very time consuming...

Julie Farrar said...

I agree about the time involved if you want to make it worthwhile. Some days I forget to do anything at all. But I also find it handy to connect with good people.

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